What is a representation review?

    To ensure councils have effective and fair representation for the community, we are required under the Local Electoral Act 2001 to review our representation arrangements at least every six years. You can learn more about representation reviews on the Local Government Commission website(External link).

    The Council works from the most recent census data statistics (2018) to ensure the ratio of elected members to population is balanced and fair across the District. 

    How does this affect my rates?

    Councillors are funded from district rates, but changes to the ward boundaries or the number of councillors will not have a significant impact on rates. 

    Councillors’ remuneration is based on a fixed pool of funds which is set independently by a government agency, the Remuneration Authority. This amount does not go up or down in relation to the number of councillors. It also means that any change in the number of councillors would not affect the total amount paid to councillors overall, as the total is divided between the number of elected members. 

    Community boards are funded by a targeted rate within the respective ward.