2024 Representation Review
Consultation has concluded
At Council we review our representation at least every six years to make sure we’re best representing our community. We look at things like the number of people elected, the number of wards and their boundaries, and if community boards are appropriate. Any changes we make now will be in place for the 2025 election.
The Key messages are below, and you can click here to see the full council resolution.
What is Proposed?
Below is a summary of all the proposed changes resolved by Council on 26 March 2024.
1. New Boundary for the Gore Ward
Gore has been expanding. The Eversfield Rise area above Coutts Road, and west of the northern end of Broughton Street (which includes in the Bupa Retirement Village) have both been affected by urban crawl. These areas are currently in the Waimumu-Kaiwera ward and it is proposed that they be included within the Gore ward.
Current Boundary | Proposed Boundary |
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2. Merge the Kaiwera-Waimumu and the Waikaka wards into one rural ward.
It is proposed to merge these two wards into one. Because the number of rural Councillors wouldn’t change, residents of the rural ward would get to choose their top two candidates - instead of just one. This reflects the idea that people in these areas share similar rural issues. It would give rural ward voters more choice when electing their representatives.
Current Representation |
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Proposed Representation |
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3. Keep the Mataura Community Board as is
The Council’s sole Community Board is Mataura, which has been in operation since 2003. The need for a specific board focusing on Mataura is considered as valid today as it was then. Its recommended it be retained.
It is suggested that there be no changes to the Matura Community Board.
4. Keep the same number of Councillors
The Council currently has twelve elected officials consisting of eleven Councillors and the Mayor. Council must ensure their communities have fair and effective representation. At present, each councillor represents 1,631 people.
Ward | Population | Elected Members | Ratio |
Waikaka Ward | 1,660 | 1 | 1,660 |
Kaiwera-Waimum Ward | 1,850 | 1 | 1,850 |
Gore Ward | 7,800 | 5 | 1,560 |
Mataura Ward | 1,740 | 1 | 1,760 |
Subtotal | 13,050 | 8 | 1,631 |
How can I have my say?
You can make a formal submission using the online submission form below.
You can also download the submission form by clicking here or pick up a hard copy submission form from a Council’s main office or Gore library and:
- Email it to emason@goredc.govt.nz
- Post it to Emily Mason, Gore District Council, PO Box 8 Gore, 9710;
- Deliver it to the Council main office
Submissions must be received no later than 5:00pm Friday 10 May 2024.
You can also share your thoughts and views informally using the polls and ideas boards on this page.