Gore and Mataura Wastewater Discharge Consent Renewals

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Thanks for being involved in this project. Consultation by the GoreDC has concluded, but Environment Southland will have further consultation when it notifies our consent applications.

UPDATE July 2022

In January 2021 we applied to renew discharge consents for the Gore and Mataura Wastewater Treatment Plants. As part of this application, we proposed the following upgrades:

  • Expansion of the existing wetlands at the Mataura wastewater treatment plant to be completed by 2027 (estimated cost of $1.6 ‑ $2.1 million)
  • Construction of a Biological Nutrient Removal (BNR) plant to replace the existing Gore oxidation ponds. It was proposed this would be completed in three stages over the next 30 years with an estimated total cost of between $46 and $61 million.

During our discussions with the Hokonui

UPDATE July 2022

In January 2021 we applied to renew discharge consents for the Gore and Mataura Wastewater Treatment Plants. As part of this application, we proposed the following upgrades:

  • Expansion of the existing wetlands at the Mataura wastewater treatment plant to be completed by 2027 (estimated cost of $1.6 ‑ $2.1 million)
  • Construction of a Biological Nutrient Removal (BNR) plant to replace the existing Gore oxidation ponds. It was proposed this would be completed in three stages over the next 30 years with an estimated total cost of between $46 and $61 million.

During our discussions with the Hokonui Runanga it became apparent they runanga would not support our proposals. It believed the ongoing piped discharge to the Mataura River would not address its cultural concerns. As a result, a technical working group was established in June 2021 to investigate land disposal options.

In late 2021 both parties agreed a technical working group would investigate disposal options.

As a result Pattle Delamore Partners (PDP) has been brought in to undertake an options assessment and assist in identifying a preferred disposal solution.

The scope of the work agreed to is extensive. Consequently, we expect the process to identify a preferred solution to run into the second half of 2023.

This is a significant length of time, but we believe it is necessary to ensure a successful outcome. There needs to be meaningful consultation with the Runanga and the option assessment must be robust .

Some key dates we are working towards are:

  • Draft Short List Options Assessment – 18 October 2022
  • Final Short List Options Assessment – 6 April 2023
  • Preferred Option Identified – 19 October 2023

Where it all began

We are in the process of lodging applications with Environment Southland to renew our resource consents for the Gore and Mataura wastewater treatment plants. We are the first council in the south to go through this process under new national and provincial requirements.

As we prepare these applications, we want to talk with you about the long term future of wastewater management. Your input will help inform our resource consent applications to Environment Southland.

Community expectations and national regulations have significantly changed in recent years. National freshwater reform requirements mean we need to take a new look at how we treat wastewater in Gore and Mataura before it's discharged into the Mataura River.

Upgrading the Gore wastewater treatment plant is a long term project, spread over the next 30 years.

Financially it’s a project we can not do without considerable funding assistance, and we will be exploring government, external and industry funding partnerships as the project progresses.

Our proposal

We have put together a booklet outlining the current situation at the Gore and Mataura treatment plants, and our plans for the future. You can read it and our FAQs by clicking on the links under Documents.

In essence, we are proposing a staged development of a new Biological Nutrient Removal (BNR) Treatment Plant, to treat wastewater to a high quality before discharging it to the river.

The key advantages of a BNR plant are:

• The treatment process includes the removal of nitrogen, nitrate and ammonia.

• It will allow the decommissioning of the existing oxidation ponds.

• There is sufficient space to construct the new plant on the existing site.

• It can be implemented in a staged approach.

The estimated cost of this option is potentially up to $61 million. As we've already said, we know it is beyond the capacity of our ratepayers to fund such a costly project and we will require funding partners.

It is important to note, these costings are high level. They are likely to change as the lifecycle of this project evolves and we get more detailed estimates.

Get Involved in the Conversation

Wednesday 11 November: Our team will have Agnes The Chatterbox parked at the intersection of Grasslands Road and Salford Street between 4.00pm and 6.00pm to talk about this project.

Ask a Question: You can also ask the team questions on this page and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

We need people's feedback by Friday 27 November.

Formal Submissions: There will be a formal public consultation process next year, once Environment Southland publicly notifies our applications. This process will be run by Environment Southland.

Thanks for being involved in this project. Consultation by the GoreDC has concluded, but Environment Southland will have further consultation when it notifies our consent applications.

  • Wastewater treatment long term strategy revealed

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    The Gore District Council plans to significantly improve the quality of wastewater being discharged into the Mataura River over the next 30 years.

    The long term strategy for wastewater treatment in Gore and Mataura was revealed this week, as the Council works towards lodging applications to renew its resource consent discharge permits.

    3 Waters Asset Manager Matt Bayliss said wastewater treatment was a major issue for councils throughout New Zealand with community expectations and national regulations significantly changing in recent years.

    “National freshwater reform requirements mean we need to take a new approach to how we treat wastewater before it’s discharged into the river.”

    Over the past two years, Council staff have considered numerous options before settling on the best practicable option that takes into account social, environmental and financial implications for residents, as well as the cultural expectations of local iwi.

    “We need to strike a balance between providing for current needs, future proofing our infrastructure for community growth, and minimising our impact on the environment.”

    The best option to meet new national freshwater standards was a three stage development, costing potentially up to $61million over 30 years. It will see the construction of a new biological nutrient removal (BNR) treatment plant, which will treat the wastewater to a high quality.

    The key advantages of the new BNR plant included a higher level of nitrogen removal, and that it allows for repurposing of the oxidation ponds to provide enhancement of treated wastewater.

    Gore District Mayor Tracy Hicks said upgrading wastewater treatment was one of the biggest infrastructure projects for the Council.

    “Financially it’s not one we can do without considerable funding assistance. We will definitely be looking to the Government, as well as exploring external and industry funding partnerships.”

    Current treatment methods were designed to meet existing resource consent discharge conditions for Gore and Mataura, but the Council knows that in future it will need to do better, Mr Hicks said.

    “We are one of the first councils to embark on this journey to meet the demands laid out by central government. We know we need to do better at ensure any discharges to our waterways are of the highest possible standard.

    “However, as a small community this isn’t a cost we can bear alone. We are and will continue to knock on the Government’s door to ensure our actions to comply comes with significant financial assistance,” Mr Hicks said.

    The Council outlines its plans for the future in a booklet, which is being delivered to households in Gore and Mataura this weekend, and is keen to get people’s feedback.

    Mr Bayliss said the Council will have more detailed conversations with residents as part of its 2024 – 2034 10-Year-Plan.

    “Our planning to date has been at quite high level and given the 30 year timeframe, costings are likely to change as the project evolves.”

    Future plans for Mataura involves expanding the existing wetlands system and other improvements to optimise the existing treatment plant.

    “This is our preferred option as the existing Mataura wastewater treatment plant is working well. The cost to Mataura residents of upgrading to a full mechanical treatment plant or disposal to land is extremely high and would provide limited environmental benefit,” Mr Bayliss said.

    He encouraged residents to visit the Council’s engagement portal Let’s Talk at www.lets.talk.goredc.govt.nz to find out more information or ask the project team any questions.

    There will be a pop-up information session for residents near the Gore wastewater treatment plant on Wednesday 11 November, between 4.00pm and 6.00pm.