Managed roll in of trials starting next week

The Gore District Council will start rolling in its Streets Alive trials a fortnight early, with the reopening of three West Gore streets among the first changes.

Kitchener, Anzac and Pomona Streets will reopen to two way traffic next week with the removal of the pocket parks, put in place in March to slow traffic. However, bollards will be put in place to narrow where the streets intersect with Robertson Street to slow traffic.

The Council will also continue the withdrawal of the concrete planter pots from around Gore. About 60 pots have been removed in the last fortnight.

The changes follow today’s working party meeting to look at the managed retreat of the Streets Alive initiatives, as resolved by the Council on Tuesday (8 June).

The working party also decided to reopen the south end of Broughton Street and the east end of Eccles Street next Monday, with minor modifications.

Broughton Street would be open to two-way traffic, but there would be channelling installed to restrict heavy traffic access and slow down vehicles.

Eccles Street will be open to all traffic. However, vehicles will not be able to turn right out of Eccles onto Main Street.

Roading Asset Manager Peter Standring said improving safety and relieving congestion were the main reasons for stopping traffic turning south out of Eccles Street.

Safety was also the driver behind the decision to put bollards in Kitchener, Anzac and Pomona streets.

“We want to retain the benefits we’ve seen around the schools by slowing traffic.

“While many aspects of the trials worked well and met the community objectives, the aim of some initiatives was lost," Mr Standring said.

The working party also decided to roll in some of the courtesy crossings, while it wants to retain three intersection changes - that is the Crewe/Ardwick street, Bury/Wigan street and Eccles/Elsie street intersections.

There will be some reconfigurations at these intersections to ensure they are well marked and safe, Mr Standring said.

Also being retained will be the roundabouts, which have been popular with residents, and changes to Irk Street. However, the Council will need to look at more permanent installations for Irk Street as the present furniture was only intended to be temporary.

A recent survey of Irk Street businesses found the majority were positive or very positive about the Streets Alive trial in their street, and they want the changes to become permanent.

The survey canvassed 19 Irk Street businesses and 36 Main Street businesses.

The business survey is one of several targeted surveys being undertaken over the next couple of weeks to provide insights into the impact of the trials.

Community feedback will inform future planning for Gore’s streetscapes and how people move around the town.

Gore District Mayor Tracy Hicks urged people to still take part in the surveys, even though the trials were being rolled in.

“It’s important we hear about people’s experiences, especially those who walk or cycle around town. The feedback will help inform our planning for the future.”

Some of the key finding of the business survey were:

  • 80% of businesses (Irk and Main streets) would like to see the changes become permanent,
  • 58% of Irk Street business said they have not been impacted by the loss of parks
  • 82% of businesses agreed the trials have added vibrancy to the town
  • 26% of Irk Street businesses and 53% of Main Street businesses believed the trials have created a more pedestrian friendly precinct. The reason for the low percentage was mainly due to the people thinking the courtesy crossings were dangerous.
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