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Certain rules in the Proposed District Plan have immediate legal effect. This means these rules apply now and may result in resource consent being required for some activities that were not otherwise required under the Operative District Plan.
If a resource consent is required under the Operative and/or the Proposed District Plan, the Council must determine how much weight to give the provisions of each plan, with more or less weight given depending on how far the rules in the Proposed District Plan are though the plan making process.
Submission can still be made on rules having immediate legal effect and hearings will follow if requested. These rules will continue to have legal effect until decisions on them are made through the consultation process and any changes to these rules are made operative.
Any chapter containing rules that have immediate legal effect has a note (as shown below) at the top of the chapter.
The rules that have immediate legal effect are identified with an orange gavel symbol next to the relevant provision .
The following rules will have immediate legal effect upon the notification of the Proposed District Plan:
Applicable rules
Historic Heritage
All rules
Notable Trees
All rules
Ecosystems and Biodiversity
All rules
TRANS-R1 relating to Historic Heritage, Notable Trees, or Significant Natural Areas - TRANS-R1(3)(a)(b) and (d)
ENRG-R1 relating to Historic Heritage - ENRG-R1(4)
Hazardous Substances
HAZS-R1 relating to sensitive environments - HAZS-R1(2) and HAZS-R1(4)
The rule relating to heritage buildings SIGN-R4
The rules relating to SUB-R8, SUB-R9, SUB-R11
Activities on the Surface of Water
All rules
Certain rules in the Proposed District Plan have immediate legal effect. This means these rules apply now and may result in resource consent being required for some activities that were not otherwise required under the Operative District Plan.
If a resource consent is required under the Operative and/or the Proposed District Plan, the Council must determine how much weight to give the provisions of each plan, with more or less weight given depending on how far the rules in the Proposed District Plan are though the plan making process.
Submission can still be made on rules having immediate legal effect and hearings will follow if requested. These rules will continue to have legal effect until decisions on them are made through the consultation process and any changes to these rules are made operative.
Any chapter containing rules that have immediate legal effect has a note (as shown below) at the top of the chapter.
The rules that have immediate legal effect are identified with an orange gavel symbol next to the relevant provision .
The following rules will have immediate legal effect upon the notification of the Proposed District Plan:
Applicable rules
Historic Heritage
All rules
Notable Trees
All rules
Ecosystems and Biodiversity
All rules
TRANS-R1 relating to Historic Heritage, Notable Trees, or Significant Natural Areas - TRANS-R1(3)(a)(b) and (d)
ENRG-R1 relating to Historic Heritage - ENRG-R1(4)
Hazardous Substances
HAZS-R1 relating to sensitive environments - HAZS-R1(2) and HAZS-R1(4)