What makes our District liveable to you?
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Voting has now ended
Our Council is planning for your future. We need your help to understand what our community values are, as a stepping stone in our long term plan process. Results will be published by the end of November.
What do we do?
We look after the entire Gore District, all 1250km². This includes the two main towns - Gore and Mataura – and the townships of Pukerau, Waikaka and Mandeville.
Our mahi (work) includes
- Water supply
- Wastewater
- Stormwater
- Roads and footpaths (but not state highways, private roads or paths), including street lighting and parking
- Parks, reserves, swimming pools and other recreational facilities
- Cemeteries
- Rubbish and recycling
- Civil defence
- Libraries
- Arts and heritage
- Visitor centre
- Grants
- Events
- Building consents and resource consents
- Issuing licences to sell alcohol and food
- Animal and noise control
- Community development
Why do we do it?
The Local Government Act 2002 states that we, as a council, must promote the social, economic, environmental, and cultural wellbeing of communities in the present and for the future. These are the things that make a community a nice place to live.
We have six community outcomes.
- We value our history and heritage
- We live in a creative place
- We have a choice of quality places to go and things to do
- We have a quality infrastructure with potential for growth
- We live in a compassionate caring community
- We value and respect our environment