Hearing topics and schedules

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Click here for easy information about how the hearings process will work.

Please note that the schedule is indicative only until the Notice of Hearing for hearing streams are published.

Hearing Stream 1 – Introduction, General Provisions and Urban Form and Development

Start date: 5 June 2024

Hearing Stream 1 covers the following matters and Chapters:

  • Procedural Issues
  • Introduction
  • How the Plan Works
  • Interpretation (for relevant plan wide definitions only)
  • National Direction Instruments
  • Urban Form and Development (UFD)

Click here for hearing stream 1 details

Hearing Stream 2 – Commercial, Open Space and Recreation and Special Purpose Zones

Start Date: 24 June 2024

Hearing Stream 2 covers the following Chapters:

  • Town Centre Zone (TCZ)
  • Local Centre Zone (LCZ)
  • Neighbourhood Centre Zone (NCZ)
  • Mixed Use Zone (MUZ)
  • Natural Open Space Zone (NOSZ)
  • Sports and Active Recreation Zone (SARZ)
  • Airport Zone (AIRPZ)
  • Field Days Zone (FDZ)
  • Camp Columba Zone (CCZ)

Click here for hearing stream 2 details

Hearing Stream 3 – Mana Whenua and Rural Zones

Start Date: 22 July 2024

Hearing Stream 3 covers the following Chapters:

  • Mana Whenua (MW)
  • General Rural Zone (GRUZ)
  • Rural Lifestyle Zone (RLZ)
  • Settlement Zone (SETZ)

Click here for Hearing Stream 3 details

Hearing Stream 4a – Māori Purpose and Industrial Zones

Start Date: 19 August 2024

Hearing Stream 4a covers the following Chapters:

  • Māori Purpose Zone (MPZ)
  • General Industrial Zone (GIZ)
  • Light Industrial Zone (LIZ)
  • Gore South Industrial Development Area (DEV1)

Hearing Stream 4b – Residential Zones

Start Date: 21 August 2024

Hearing Stream 4b covers the following Chapters:

  • General Residential Zone (GRZ)
  • Medium Density Residential Zone (MRZ)
  • Large Lot Residential Zone (LLZ)
  • Gore West Residential Development Area (DEV2)

Click here for hearing stream 4 details

Hearing Stream 5 – General District Wide Matters, Designations, and Transport

Start Date: 16 September 2024

Hearing Stream 5 covers the following Chapters:

  • Light (LIGHT)
  • Signs (SIGN)
  • Temporary Activities (TEMP)
  • Transport (TRANS)
  • Designations

Click here for Hearing Stream 5 Details

Hearing Stream 5A - East Gore Water Treatment and Hearing Stream 6 – General District Wide Matters and Subdivision

Start Date: 14 October 2024

Hearing Streams 5A and 6 cover the following Chapters:

  • Contaminated Land (CL)
  • Hazardous Substances (HAZS)
  • Noise (NOISE)
  • Public Access (PA)
  • Subdivision (SUB)
  • East Gore Water Treatment

Click here for Hearing Stream 6 details

Hearing Stream 7 – Energy, Infrastructure and Earthworks, and Activities on the Surface of Water

Start Date: 4 November 2024

Hearing Stream 7 covers the following Chapters:

  • Earthworks (EW)
  • Energy (ENRG)
  • Infrastructure (INFR)
  • Activities on the Surface of Water (ASW)

Hearing Stream 8 – Historical and Cultural Values

Start Date: 2 December 2024

Hearing Stream 8 covers the following Chapters:

  • Historic Heritage (HH)
  • Notable Trees (TREE)
  • Sites and Areas of Significance to Māori (SASM)

Hearing Stream 9 – Natural Features and Landscapes

Start Date: 10 February 2025

Hearing Stream 9 covers the following Chapters:

  • Natural Features and Landscapes (NFL)

Hearing Stream 10 – Biodiversity

Start Date: 24 February 2025

Hearing Stream 10 covers the following Chapters:

  • Ecosystems and Indigenous Biodiversity (ECO)

Hearing Stream 11 – Natural Hazards

Start Date: 10 March 2025

Hearing Stream 11 covers the following Chapters:

  • Natural Hazards (NH)

Hearing Stream 12 – Wrap Up

Start Date: 7 April 2025

Hearing Stream 12 is a “catch all” hearing to cover any provisions not covered in other hearing streams and deal with plan integration matters.

Click here for easy information about how the hearings process will work.

Please note that the schedule is indicative only until the Notice of Hearing for hearing streams are published.

Hearing Stream 1 – Introduction, General Provisions and Urban Form and Development

Start date: 5 June 2024

Hearing Stream 1 covers the following matters and Chapters:

  • Procedural Issues
  • Introduction
  • How the Plan Works
  • Interpretation (for relevant plan wide definitions only)
  • National Direction Instruments
  • Urban Form and Development (UFD)

Click here for hearing stream 1 details

Hearing Stream 2 – Commercial, Open Space and Recreation and Special Purpose Zones

Start Date: 24 June 2024

Hearing Stream 2 covers the following Chapters:

  • Town Centre Zone (TCZ)
  • Local Centre Zone (LCZ)
  • Neighbourhood Centre Zone (NCZ)
  • Mixed Use Zone (MUZ)
  • Natural Open Space Zone (NOSZ)
  • Sports and Active Recreation Zone (SARZ)
  • Airport Zone (AIRPZ)
  • Field Days Zone (FDZ)
  • Camp Columba Zone (CCZ)

Click here for hearing stream 2 details

Hearing Stream 3 – Mana Whenua and Rural Zones

Start Date: 22 July 2024

Hearing Stream 3 covers the following Chapters:

  • Mana Whenua (MW)
  • General Rural Zone (GRUZ)
  • Rural Lifestyle Zone (RLZ)
  • Settlement Zone (SETZ)

Click here for Hearing Stream 3 details

Hearing Stream 4a – Māori Purpose and Industrial Zones

Start Date: 19 August 2024

Hearing Stream 4a covers the following Chapters:

  • Māori Purpose Zone (MPZ)
  • General Industrial Zone (GIZ)
  • Light Industrial Zone (LIZ)
  • Gore South Industrial Development Area (DEV1)

Hearing Stream 4b – Residential Zones

Start Date: 21 August 2024

Hearing Stream 4b covers the following Chapters:

  • General Residential Zone (GRZ)
  • Medium Density Residential Zone (MRZ)
  • Large Lot Residential Zone (LLZ)
  • Gore West Residential Development Area (DEV2)

Click here for hearing stream 4 details

Hearing Stream 5 – General District Wide Matters, Designations, and Transport

Start Date: 16 September 2024

Hearing Stream 5 covers the following Chapters:

  • Light (LIGHT)
  • Signs (SIGN)
  • Temporary Activities (TEMP)
  • Transport (TRANS)
  • Designations

Click here for Hearing Stream 5 Details

Hearing Stream 5A - East Gore Water Treatment and Hearing Stream 6 – General District Wide Matters and Subdivision

Start Date: 14 October 2024

Hearing Streams 5A and 6 cover the following Chapters:

  • Contaminated Land (CL)
  • Hazardous Substances (HAZS)
  • Noise (NOISE)
  • Public Access (PA)
  • Subdivision (SUB)
  • East Gore Water Treatment

Click here for Hearing Stream 6 details

Hearing Stream 7 – Energy, Infrastructure and Earthworks, and Activities on the Surface of Water

Start Date: 4 November 2024

Hearing Stream 7 covers the following Chapters:

  • Earthworks (EW)
  • Energy (ENRG)
  • Infrastructure (INFR)
  • Activities on the Surface of Water (ASW)

Hearing Stream 8 – Historical and Cultural Values

Start Date: 2 December 2024

Hearing Stream 8 covers the following Chapters:

  • Historic Heritage (HH)
  • Notable Trees (TREE)
  • Sites and Areas of Significance to Māori (SASM)

Hearing Stream 9 – Natural Features and Landscapes

Start Date: 10 February 2025

Hearing Stream 9 covers the following Chapters:

  • Natural Features and Landscapes (NFL)

Hearing Stream 10 – Biodiversity

Start Date: 24 February 2025

Hearing Stream 10 covers the following Chapters:

  • Ecosystems and Indigenous Biodiversity (ECO)

Hearing Stream 11 – Natural Hazards

Start Date: 10 March 2025

Hearing Stream 11 covers the following Chapters:

  • Natural Hazards (NH)

Hearing Stream 12 – Wrap Up

Start Date: 7 April 2025

Hearing Stream 12 is a “catch all” hearing to cover any provisions not covered in other hearing streams and deal with plan integration matters.

Page last updated: 11 Sep 2024, 09:12 AM