Full Proposed District Plan

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How to use the Proposed District Plan

Here you will find all the chapters of our Proposed District Plan. To find out what is allowed to happen on a piece of land, you can locate a specific property and identify the zone it is located in on our digital map site. Here is a link to the site.

As well as the zones, you should also check for any ‘overlays’. An overlay identifies distinctive values, risks (such as a floodplain) or other factors that may require management in a different way to the underlying zone. Each zone and overlay has its own chapter containing the objectives, policies and rules.

Objective: the goal or outcome – what we want to achieve through our District Plan

Policy: sets out and indicates how we will achieve our goal or outcomes

Rule: identifies whether a consent is required and sets the standards that need to be complied with for an activity e.g. the hours you can operate your business or the height you can build your house.

Proposed District Plan Index.

You will find each of these chapters at the right of this page.

Part 1 - Introduction & General Provisions
Introduction chaptersPurpose
Description of the District
How the Plan Works chaptersStatutory context
General approach
Cross boundary matters
Relationships between spatial layers
Interpretation chaptersDefinitions
National Direction Instrument chaptersNational policy statements and NZ Coastal Policy Statement
National Environmental Standards
Water Conservation Orders
Statutory acknowledgement and Mataitai
Tangata Whenua / Mana Whenua chapterMana whenua - MW

Part 2 - District-wide Matters
Strategic direction chaptersUrban form and development - UFD
Energy, Infrastructure and Transport chaptersEnergy - ENRG
Infrastructure - INFR
Transport - TRANS
Hazards and Risks chaptersContaminated land - CL
Hazardous substances - HAZS
Natural hazards - NH
Historical And Cultural Values chaptersHistorical heritage - HH
Notable trees - TREE
Sites and areas of significance to Māori - SASM
Natural Environment Values chaptersEcosystems and indigenous biodiversity - ECO
Natural features and landscapes - NFL
Public access - PA
Subdivision chapterSubdivision - SUB
General District-wide Matters chaptersActivities on the surface of water - ASW
Earthworks - EW
Light - LIGHT
Noise- NOISE
Signs - SIGNS
Temporary activities - TEMP

Part 3 - Area Specific Matters
Residential Zones chaptersLarge lot residential zone - LLRZ
General residential zone - GRZ
Medium density residential zone - MRZ
Rural Zones chaptersGeneral rural zone - GRUZ
Rural lifestyle zone - RLZ
Settlement zone - SETZ
Commercial and Mixed Use Zones chaptersNeighbourhood centre zone - NCZ
Local centre zone - LCZ
Mixed use zone - MUZ
Town centre zone - TCZ
Industrial zones chaptersLight industrial zone - LIZ
General industrial zone - GIZ
Open space and recreation zones chaptersNatural open space zones - NOSZ
Sport and active recreation zone - SARZ
Special purpose zones chaptersAirport zone - AIRPZ
Māori purpose zone - MPZ
Camp Columba zone - CCZ
Field days zone - FDZ
Development areas chaptersGore South Industrial Development Area - DEV1
Gore West Residential Development Area - DEV2
Designations chaptersChorus NZ Ltd - CNZ
Gore District Council - GDC
KiwiRail Holdings Ltd - KRH
Meteorological Service of New Zealand - MSNZ
Minister of Corrections - MCOR
Minister for Courts - MCOU
Minister of Education - MEDU
Minister of Police / NZ Police - MPOL
Waka Kotahi New Zealand Transport Agency - NZTA
PowerNet (The Power Company Ltd) - PWN
Transpower New Zealand Ltd - TPR

Part 4 - Appendices and Maps
AppendicesAppendix 1 - Transport Standard Construction Drawings - TRANS-APP
Appendix 2 - Height in relation to boundary - APP2
Appendix 3 - Streams and Rivers Orders - APP3
Appendix 4 - Significant Natural Area Criteria - ECO-APP
Appendix 5 - Landscape Values - NFL-APP
MapsDigital Maps on ArcGis

Why you should get involved

Our District Plan helps us manage development in our area. It contains rules that may affect you if you’re considering a development or land use proposal. It also helps us manage our District’s resources. These include:

  • Growth – where we accommodate it and what it looks like
  • Land use activities such as residential, commercial, industrial and farming
  • Visitor accommodation
  • Subdivision of land and associated earthworks
  • Protecting historic heritage, landscapes, natural features and biodiversity
  • Managing natural hazards
  • Activities on the surface of water in rivers and lakes

How to use the Proposed District Plan

Here you will find all the chapters of our Proposed District Plan. To find out what is allowed to happen on a piece of land, you can locate a specific property and identify the zone it is located in on our digital map site. Here is a link to the site.

As well as the zones, you should also check for any ‘overlays’. An overlay identifies distinctive values, risks (such as a floodplain) or other factors that may require management in a different way to the underlying zone. Each zone and overlay has its own chapter containing the objectives, policies and rules.

Objective: the goal or outcome – what we want to achieve through our District Plan

Policy: sets out and indicates how we will achieve our goal or outcomes

Rule: identifies whether a consent is required and sets the standards that need to be complied with for an activity e.g. the hours you can operate your business or the height you can build your house.

Proposed District Plan Index.

You will find each of these chapters at the right of this page.

Part 1 - Introduction & General Provisions
Introduction chaptersPurpose
Description of the District
How the Plan Works chaptersStatutory context
General approach
Cross boundary matters
Relationships between spatial layers
Interpretation chaptersDefinitions
National Direction Instrument chaptersNational policy statements and NZ Coastal Policy Statement
National Environmental Standards
Water Conservation Orders
Statutory acknowledgement and Mataitai
Tangata Whenua / Mana Whenua chapterMana whenua - MW

Part 2 - District-wide Matters
Strategic direction chaptersUrban form and development - UFD
Energy, Infrastructure and Transport chaptersEnergy - ENRG
Infrastructure - INFR
Transport - TRANS
Hazards and Risks chaptersContaminated land - CL
Hazardous substances - HAZS
Natural hazards - NH
Historical And Cultural Values chaptersHistorical heritage - HH
Notable trees - TREE
Sites and areas of significance to Māori - SASM
Natural Environment Values chaptersEcosystems and indigenous biodiversity - ECO
Natural features and landscapes - NFL
Public access - PA
Subdivision chapterSubdivision - SUB
General District-wide Matters chaptersActivities on the surface of water - ASW
Earthworks - EW
Light - LIGHT
Noise- NOISE
Signs - SIGNS
Temporary activities - TEMP

Part 3 - Area Specific Matters
Residential Zones chaptersLarge lot residential zone - LLRZ
General residential zone - GRZ
Medium density residential zone - MRZ
Rural Zones chaptersGeneral rural zone - GRUZ
Rural lifestyle zone - RLZ
Settlement zone - SETZ
Commercial and Mixed Use Zones chaptersNeighbourhood centre zone - NCZ
Local centre zone - LCZ
Mixed use zone - MUZ
Town centre zone - TCZ
Industrial zones chaptersLight industrial zone - LIZ
General industrial zone - GIZ
Open space and recreation zones chaptersNatural open space zones - NOSZ
Sport and active recreation zone - SARZ
Special purpose zones chaptersAirport zone - AIRPZ
Māori purpose zone - MPZ
Camp Columba zone - CCZ
Field days zone - FDZ
Development areas chaptersGore South Industrial Development Area - DEV1
Gore West Residential Development Area - DEV2
Designations chaptersChorus NZ Ltd - CNZ
Gore District Council - GDC
KiwiRail Holdings Ltd - KRH
Meteorological Service of New Zealand - MSNZ
Minister of Corrections - MCOR
Minister for Courts - MCOU
Minister of Education - MEDU
Minister of Police / NZ Police - MPOL
Waka Kotahi New Zealand Transport Agency - NZTA
PowerNet (The Power Company Ltd) - PWN
Transpower New Zealand Ltd - TPR

Part 4 - Appendices and Maps
AppendicesAppendix 1 - Transport Standard Construction Drawings - TRANS-APP
Appendix 2 - Height in relation to boundary - APP2
Appendix 3 - Streams and Rivers Orders - APP3
Appendix 4 - Significant Natural Area Criteria - ECO-APP
Appendix 5 - Landscape Values - NFL-APP
MapsDigital Maps on ArcGis

Why you should get involved

Our District Plan helps us manage development in our area. It contains rules that may affect you if you’re considering a development or land use proposal. It also helps us manage our District’s resources. These include:

  • Growth – where we accommodate it and what it looks like
  • Land use activities such as residential, commercial, industrial and farming
  • Visitor accommodation
  • Subdivision of land and associated earthworks
  • Protecting historic heritage, landscapes, natural features and biodiversity
  • Managing natural hazards
  • Activities on the surface of water in rivers and lakes
Page last updated: 11 Mar 2024, 10:12 AM